


NEC Asia Pacific社とLACは2019年10月8日(火)、シンガポールのコンラッド・センテニアル・ホテルでサイバーセキュリティー半日セミナー「Cyber Resilience~In The Digital-As-Usual Age~」を共同で開催する。



8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Opening address

8:40 Future-proof against new and rising cyber threats by Mr Lam Chang Keong(Senior Assistant Director of CSA's National Cyber Threat Monitoring Centre)
Learn about the cyber security landscape and understand the evolving cyber attacks and the need for a holistic digital strategy

9:00 Cyber security in the age of digital transformation by Mr Kenny Yeo(Head of Asia Pacific Cyber Security Practice, Frost & Sullivan)
・Challenges that Singapore enterprises face
・The human factor - threat or asset?
・Cyber security best practices

9:30 MOU signing ceremony

9:45 How LAC fights against latest threat in Japan by Ms Ko Sasaki(Principal Consultant, LAC Co. Ltd)
Listen in to learn about the trends in security incident and the importance of cyber security capacity building

10:15 Managed security service provider (MSSP): A key role in cyber security by Mr Kevin Leong(Managed Security Services, NEC Asia Pacific)
・How SOC has evolved over the years
・Different models of SOC that may work in your environment
・How the collaboration between NEC APAC & LAC strengthens the capabilities of MSSP

10:45 Panel discussion moderated by Frost & Sullivan
Hear from our speakers as they come together to share insights and experience and bounce ideas about cyber security

11:15 End of event


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